Aila The depths of the Caribbean sea, houses fishes that glide over a sea of shells like parasols, where capricious pearls of irregular shapes come alive. A jewel of good color and good water, acompases three turns in slow ascent... until it is framed in the heart of its translucent nature.
Size 6¨L x 7¨W x 4¨H Pearl size 1.5¨
Aila The depths of the Caribbean sea, houses fishes that glide over a sea of shells like parasols, where capricious pearls of irregular shapes come alive. A jewel of good color and good water, acompases three turns in slow ascent... until it is framed in the heart of its translucent nature.
Size 6¨L x 7¨W x 4¨H Pearl size 1.5¨
Aila The depths of the Caribbean sea, houses fishes that glide over a sea of shells like parasols, where capricious pearls of irregular shapes come alive. A jewel of good color and good water, acompases three turns in slow ascent... until it is framed in the heart of its translucent nature.
Size 6¨L x 7¨W x 4¨H Pearl size 1.5¨